MAPLE 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Maple Class!

Teachers: Mrs Brand and Mrs Belding

Teaching Assistants: Miss Formston

P.E. Teacher: Mr Grooms

Mrs Brand will be teaching Tuesday to Friday. Mrs Belding and Mr Grooms will be teaching every Monday.

P.E. will be taught by Mr Grooms. Please make sure children have PE kits in school on a Monday.

Read, Write Inc. Phonics and Reading

Our Read Write Inc. lessons will take place every morning. The children will be taught in small groups by Mrs Brand, Miss Formston and Miss Roberts.

Reading books will be sent home on a Friday. Please return them the following Friday. Green reading diaries will also need to be in school every Friday for us to celebrate how many times the children have read during the week and to add our comments so you know how they have got on at school.

Other Useful Information